SmugMug Photos

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Password is Happily24

Mugging for SmugMug

Adult photographers take pictures using state-of-the-art equipment all throughout the prom for the entire evening. These photos will begin to be uploaded to the Prom account on SmugMug before prom ends, and may be downloaded for free. You may also purchase prints of prom night pictures from our SmugMug account. The prices are reasonable and the prints will be shipped directly to you. Candid photos from several previous proms are available on SmugMug. The SmugMug password is currently . The password changes every year. SmugMug purchases help us keep the prom ticket prices at their current level.

Don't forget your own phone or camera. Chaperones and other adults will be available in the prefunction area and ballroom to take pictures with the students' cameras or phones throughout the evening.